The Tundras
Blue | Red | Yellow | Green | |
Win Rate: | 67% | 67% | 78% | 67% |
Relative Win Rate: | +8% | +21% | +37% | +26% |
End Pop: | 50 | 54 | 53 | 46 |
- Latest Games:
- The Tundras Tatarpeter91 - vs - Dizt99 The Tundras Zero_Eclipse_TAS + [D]Paugrande - vs - PerfectScript_TAS + power The Tundras Joschepu + [D]Leaf - vs - [AvA]Piracy + Santiml
- Normal Allies:
- Average Game Length:
- 15 minutes, 29 seconds
- Games Played:
- 13
- Total Time Spent:
- 11 hours, 21 minutes, 52 seconds
- Local Deaths:
- 2,847
- Demolitions:
- 252