Tundras of Fithmir
Blue | Red | Yellow | Green | |
Win Rate: | 50% | 29% | 24% | 61% |
Relative Win Rate: | -9% | -17% | -17% | +21% |
End Pop: | 75 | 38 | 71 | 71 |
- Latest Games:
- Tundras of Fithmir [GoD]Spyro + SprdSheetMonkey_TSI - vs - ExLordDeath_TSI + Adray_TSI Tundras of Fithmir [Rw]karma + [AsG]Nefarius - vs - [Rw]Phoenix-, SprdSheetMonkey_TSI Tundras of Fithmir [GoD]Spyro + [AvA]SpiderPig - vs - [D]Paugrande + [AvA]Celoabdi
- Normal Allies:
- Average Game Length:
- 19 minutes, 29 seconds
- Games Played:
- 19
- Total Time Spent:
- 23 hours, 42 minutes, 29 seconds
- Local Deaths:
- 5,716
- Demolitions:
- 294