Up and Coming
Blue | Red | Yellow | Green | |
Win Rate: | 60% | 20% | 60% | 20% |
Relative Win Rate: | +1% | -26% | +19% | -20% |
End Pop: | 184 | 241 | 158 | 231 |
- Latest Games:
- Up and Coming PerfectScript_TAS - vs - Zpektrix_TAS Up and Coming yosaf - vs - lumiza69 Up and Coming mazensy + molham - vs - [SW]Diablo
- Normal Allies:
- Average Game Length:
- 33 minutes, 5 seconds
- Games Played:
- 21
- Total Time Spent:
- 1 day, 10 hours, 45 minutes, 5 seconds
- Local Deaths:
- 9,596
- Demolitions:
- 696