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Friday August 7, 2009 | by IncaWarrior

New webserver:

If you’re seeing this message, your computer has picked up the address of the new server, which means you can post and get points without worry of them getting lost. The wiki is still being copied, so that and a few other pages will be updated in the next few days.


Service Outages

Wednesday July 29, 2009 | by IncaWarrior

Leaving Gamespy:

Sadly Gamespy/IGN is shutting down their hosting services so we will no longer be hosting anything on Gamespy servers. On the up side, that means we will no longer have to deal with the recently slow Gamespy servers and old software installations.Populous: Reincarnated will be moving to a new server at SolunaNet within the next several days, which may result in some service outages as different records update and are copied to the new server. I will try to keep any outages to the low times (11PM - 2AM EST) to avoid causing interruptions. There will hopefully be no more issues with the login server going down as the was tonight, though while using the Gamespy server, it will probably still be slow and unreliable.

New Staff:

Several new staff members have been added in the past few months to help maintain services.The new and old Matchmaker Moderators in charge of maintaining order in the MM and helping out players (including granting Name Changes) are:

  • Smudgey
  • Red
  • Insanity (Walhallah)
  • Kiyana
  • Shakkazulu

In order to keep up with the mappacks submitted to the site, there are Mappack Checkers who can review and upload new packs. They are:

  • Fury
  • TedTycoon
  • Suleiman
  • Nefarius

And finally in the forums we have a couple people to moderate some key areas - Kurtangle and Keith52.Welcome to all of you.